CA・グランドスタッフの英語面接 (質問集)
- Please introduce yourself.
- What do you know about ‥‥‥ Airlines?
(‥‥‥ は受験する会社の社名)
- Why do you want to be a Flight Attendant?
- Why do you want to join ‥‥‥ Airlines?
- Why didn't you apply to an Airlines before?
- Tell me about your job as a‥‥‥?
- Is the ‥‥‥job similar to Flight Attendant?
- Why did you change your job?
- How do you spend your pasttime?
- How did you get here this morning?
- Tell me about your personality.
- Tell me about your family.
- What is need to become a Airlines staff?
- What kind of Flight Attendant do you want to be ?
- What do you think most difficult for a Flight Attendant?
- Who do you respect?
- Tell me any differences between your country and other countries?
- What is different Janapese Flight Attendant and Foriegn Flight Attendant?
- What is different American and British?
(American and Japaneseなどもあり)
- Why did you went to ....?
- How was that?
- Tell me something about your hometown.
- Why did you chose ...company?
- Why didn't you apply for Japanese Airlines before?
- What do you think you will miss in Japan when you live in London?
- What problem would you think expect to live in London?
- If emergency in the cabin, but a doctor can not understand english,What would you do?
- How would you treat handicapped people?
- Why do we need Japanese Flight Attendant?
- Do you believe any religion?
- How do you learn english?
- How do you feel about Unions?
- How would you handle angry passengers?
- If British crew are so hard on you, what would you do?
- If you have 10 thousand daller,how do you spend?
- Have you ever been to Casino?
- If you visit to Hawaii, what would you do?
- Which is more important to you the money or the type of job?
- How many years do you intend to work for us?
- Do you know what do you do in your flight?
- What is different foreign company and japanese company?
- What's the most difficult duty in your present job?
- Why do you learn english?
- Which part of japan do you like most?
- What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?
- What different ....Airlines and the other airlines?
- What do you do if passenger ask you for sleeping tablet?
- Do you have good memories and bad memories about the jobs?
- What the team work?
- What is the greatest challenging working as a Flight Attendant?
- One passenger looks so bored in his seat, how would you handle this passenger?
- What do you think of the responsibilities in your job?
- How would you handle if a baby is crying?
◆現役CA愛用!ニキビケアの化粧品(大人ニキビ対策) ⇒ ビーグレン(b.glen)

